Monday, March 22, 2021



1 comment:

  1. Poster A sophisticated and streamlined composition with clean, bold lines and a powerful sense of focus on the essential message : the protagonist’s face is lit in strong chiaroscuro lighting, leaving half in deep shadow. This technique also creates hollows around her eyes and lends her face an etiolated look that, combined with her pose holding her head in her hands, signals her worry and fear. The unrelieved black of the backdrop and her severe black outfit is broken only by the accent colour red used in the title and the intriguing blood splatters on her cheek, seen as if in the mirror as the girl gazes at herself, connoting violence. The red is echoed in the release date; the font for both title and release date is repeated in several places on your film website, such as the gallery and synopsis, contributing to the cohesiveness of the branding. The font itself connotes chalk board writing, very apt for a film set in a 1950s boarding school institution.
    The poster would successfully engage its target audience. The protagonist makes direct eye contact with the audience, establishing a bond. The handling of the central image fits the thriller / horror genre and provides a strong backdrop against which the red title and white tagline stand out clearly. The poster observes all genre conventions (talent, billing block, release date, social media). A powerful piece of work.



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