Monday, July 6, 2020



  1. Excellent initial analysis of four different trailers, presented clearly and in an organised way using Piktochart. You show clear understanding of trailer genre codes and conventions, and how audiences are attracted and addressed. You are now about to tackle two additional examples in more detail as suggested by the exam board.

  2. BIRTH OF A NATION: Very good analysis of the ways in which the film's narrative is conveyed and how the audience's sympathy and admiration for Nate Turner is engaged through cross-cutting, his suffering and developing leadership, and the use of sound. You show how the trailer situates Turner's place in the black history movement and struggle.

  3. AMERICAN SNIPER: You note that the genre of war /action film is made clear by the trailer's concentration on the sniper's focus. You note the cross-cutting to the sniper's personal life, which reveals the ways in which he makes connections between his own family and the target, making the sniper a more thoughtful, complex character. Thoughtful comments about the ways in which sound is used to create realism and build tension, contributing to the suspense.

  4. GRAVITY: The inter-titles that open the trailer, as you note, are screened in absolute silence, in white text against an inky black sky. This emulates the 'no-life' conditions of space. You note the subsequent chaotic action shots that convey the panic and danger, making arresting viewing. You appreciate how the POV shots engage the audience in an immersive way. The CUs with increasing zoom build in the same way. You conclude that the trailer effectively hooks the audience by presenting the main dilemma of the narrative whilst retaining the secrets of the outcome. You should note the prominence of the name of the star talent and of the director, Cuaron.



Welcome moderator by leila saville