Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Reaching me

In this clip Kezia Williams focuses on the importance of knowing who your target audience is: 

- It's really important to understand what's going to motivate them, what going to interest them and drive them to go to the cinema. they often start with examining similar films that have been released in the past, 'comparable films'. 

- They can then make a set and look back at data and do research on those comparable films- identify who the audience was on those films. 

  • Democratic data- Gender, Age 
  • Box office Data- regality, did more people got to a certain cinema chain 
  • Which cinema box office performed the best 

- Once you understand who the audience of the comparable films are you can star to talk about similarities and the differences between those films and the films that you're working on.

Genre and Audience:

Kezia Williams then talks about audience- there is a lot of other research to understand your audience. 

- On any film the research you have to understand about your target audience is always different. They may find that its important to do bespoke research: 

  • focus groups 
  • go out and have conversations with potential audiences 
  • is the film based on a book, game, or established material- is there already existing data about who is interested? 

- These are a lot of different aspects around any films such as talent, are the actors or actresses that appeal to any certain demographics or group. 

- It's important from an audience perspective not just to understand the core audience but who the persuadable audience will be. 

-There are also films with multiple target audiences also known as four quadrants, this is when you believe your film can bring in a wide range of audience. 

Chris Besseling then goes into further detail about research:

- Research to support a release strategy is very important particularly in high risk and unpredictable industries.

- Historical data is mostly relied upon right from the green light in the process of a project right to the release. 

- One of the first things to be done when planning and marketing a publicity campaign is to bring together many title, which is essentially a list of comparable title that have something common with your films, where its the same actor, director, genre or subject matter. From this list and the data they have collected they will then use the to inform: 

  • The budgeting 
  • Who the target audience will be 
  • creative routes 
  • media planning 
  • promotional partners 

- After collecting a list of comparable titles, they look into the historical fame data to get an idea of the make-up of the audience who went to see the film in terms of: 

  • Age 
  • Demographics 
  • Gender 
  • Social economic standing 

- This should give them a good over view of who their audience for their film is likely to be and who they should be targeting. They also look how their comparable titles performed at the box office, so they can forecast their potential takings and that will also inform how much they will spend on their PNA. 

- There comparable titles are looked at to analyse there success and failures of their marketing and publicity campaign:

  • the creative routes they went down 
  • how they tried to position themselves in the market 
  • media and promotional choices 

The hook and the audience:

When completing this I tried to image the potential target audience, I also took into account types of film I enjoy and my age and types of film my other family members enjoy and there age.

Reaching the target audience:

Marketability and Playability:

Two critical factors must be assessed for every film: marketability and playability. 

Marketability: This refers to the film's potential to be marketed effectively

Playability: Refers to audience reaction to the film. If an audience is satisfied and please by what they have seen then they will encourage friends to go and see the film. This allows the film to grow and sustain itself in the marketplace. Playability has nothing to do with attracting audience to the film. it is about the outcome once the audience has purchased their ticket and has seen the film.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work. You demonstrate clearly what you have learned from the FDA site about how distributors identify target audiences in order to position different films. You present your research in an organized way.



Welcome moderator by leila saville